Olas Retreat is a place of rest and relaxation where you can come to unwind, de-stress, and spend quality time with God, leaving energized and ready to continue in your calling and ministry.
Retreat Rates
Full-time Pastors or supported Missionaries
Central and South Americans
From MX$500 (approx US$30)per room per night plus 20% tax, and including daily breakfast.
Rest of the world
From MX$1000 (approx US$60) per room per night plus 20% tax, and including daily breakfast.
*Please enquire for costs if:
- you are not a full-time supported missionary or pastor but you work within missions or the church,
- your household has salaried income
We believe that in order to persevere on the mission field your wellbeing is essential. We want to champion and encourage you in all aspects - spiritually, emotionally and physically.

+52 612 170 2640
Find Us
Olas de Cerritos
Playa Los Cerritos, Km. 66.5 Playa los Cerritos, 23310 El Pescadero, B.C.S. Mexico