
This Privacy Statement pertains to www.olasdecerritos.com and to www.olasretreat.org, which is owned and managed by JUCUM CABO AC. We want to inform you about how we gather and utilize information, including personal data, that you share with us through our website, www.olasdecerritos.com and www.olasretreat.org.  Additionally, we'll explain the options you have concerning the use of your personal data and how you can access and modify this information.

Our aim is to provide clarity and transparency about how we handle your data on our website, ensuring that you always have control over your personal information.

Types of Data collected

  • Personal data that is collected is firstly the data provided by you

  • First and Last Name, Email Adress, Home Adress, Credit/Debit card details (type of card, credit card number, name on card, expiration date and security code)

  • Some personal data comes from third parties (Cloudbeds, AirBnb and Booking.com), and some is collected from our websites. You may always choose what personal data (if any) you wish to provide to us. If you choose not to provide certain details, however, some of your transactions with us may be impacted.

  • Some data is collected automatically through Google Analytics

For what purposes is the data collected

  • Reservation and Booking

  • Communication

  • Marketing and Promotions

  • Analytics and User Insights

  • Feedback and Reviews

  • Legal compliance

Lawful basis for data collection

According to the Mexican privacy law (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares) the lawful basis includes

1.     Contractual necessity (data is needed to fulfill contractual obligations)

2.     Legitimate interests (improving service and website)

3.     Legal obligations (imposed on the data controller)

This lawful basis also applies to European guests (GDPR) and the American Guests.

Data Processing

Storage – We utilize secure servers and data storage systems to safeguard your personal information. We implement reasonable security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. While we take reasonable steps to protect your data, we cannot guarantee absolute security. Please be aware that the transmission of data over the internet carries inherent risks, and you assume these risks when providing your information.

Sharing –We may share your personal information with third parties (mainly Cloudbeds and BBVA) to facilitate our services, including payment processors, reservation systems, and marketing partners. These third parties are contractually obligated to protect your data and use it only for the purposes for which we share it. We may also disclose your information when required by law, in response to legal requests, or to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property.

Protection – We are committed to protecting your data and complying with applicable data protection laws. If you have any concerns or requests regarding the use of your personal information, please contact us using the information provided in the "Contact" section of this website.  You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us.

Retention - We will keep your information, including personal data, for as long as we need it to offer you services, follow the law, solve any problems with others, and to help us run our business, like spotting and stopping fraud or illegal activities. All the personal data we keep will follow the rules in this Privacy Statement. If you want to know how long we keep a specific type of personal data about you, just get in touch with us using the contact info below.

Customer rights

According to the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares, your rights include:

  • Right to Access

  • Right to Rectify

  • Right to Cancel (Right to Erasure)

  • Right to Object

  • Right to Withdraw Consent

  • Right to Limit Processing

  • Right to Data Portability

  • Right to be Informed

  • Right to be Forgotten

  • Right to File Complaints

  • Right to Non-Discrimination

  • Right to Security

  • Right to Privacy Settings

Depending on where you reside, your rights may differ and are applicable.

If you reside in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, or Switzerland (collectively, “EEA Residents”), you have additional rights with respect to your personal data, which include rights under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

If you reside in California, USA, you have additional rights with respect to your personal information as granted by the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)

Depending on applicable law where you reside, you may be able to assert certain rights related to your personal information identified below. If any of the rights listed below are not provided under law for your jurisdiction, AR and ARC Properties have absolute discretion in providing you with those rights.

Your rights to personal information are not absolute. Depending upon the applicable law, access may be denied: (a) when denial of access is required or authorized by law; (b) when granting access would have a negative impact on another’s privacy; (c) to protect our rights and properties; (d) where the request is frivolous or vexatious, or for other reasons.

Notice to any changes

This privacy notice is subject to change. If this is the case, we will update this page and change the date at the top of the page which shows the latest update. In order to be aware of the latest changes you may check this page regularly.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy or data protection, please don't hesitate to contact our dedicated team, who will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for choosing our Olas de Cerritos. We look forward to providing you with an exceptional experience during your stay in beautiful Baja California.